U Heart: Every Child is Special
E Cleaning Solutions Pte Ltd (E-CS) believes in Giving Back to Society. Every year, a day would be set aside for staff to do voluntary work.
To be generous in giving, without expecting anything in return is E-CS’s belief. By doing something for others who needs it more, giving back to society allows one to have a balance in fulfilling one’s ambitions in life and the need as an individual to being a more responsible citizen.
Warren Buffet says: ‘We see no dichotomy in encouraging entrepreneurs to build great companies while also thinking about the manner in which the good fortune that comes with successful business endeavours can be shared with the society that contributed to their success.’
Year 2016 was special because, the Management took on another meaningful project besides its usual Thanksgiving Day.
E-CS selected the Neighbourhood Student Services @Yishun Primary School with the theme : U Heart – Every Child Is Special.
E-CS’s staff, together with the Union-Batu & Young NTUC kept the student busy by giving them T-shirt to draw & colour which they were allowed to bring home their masterpiece design. The younger ones were kept busy too doing Art & Craft.
Tea time came and the children were given ice-cream that comes with various toppings. Before they leave for home, each child was given a packet of biscuit and toy to bring home.